Shaun Randall, is the author of Words Like Wine, A Peace of My Mind, Letters From Lima, and THE MANIFESTATION METHOD. His metaphysical poetry and novels take readers on a journey inside worlds they never knew existed to uncover truth and discover themselves all over again.

Originally from San Diego, California, Randall also spent time as an adolescent in Portland, Oregon; Colorado Springs, Colorado; and South Florida. Living on the coasts and in the mountains, instilled a wonder and love for our natural world. In 2008, Shaun moved to Chicago, Illinois, where the urban setting heavily influenced his life and work.

In March 2020, Randall took a vacation to Lima, Perú, with no idea what was in store for him on that fateful trip. He met the love of his life Eliet, and was inspired by witnessing the ancient world coincide with the modern world set in the wondrous natural beauty of Perú. What started as a quick get away to relax and clear his head became an adventure filled with years of intense self-discovery and inspirational writing.

Randall, through his writing and manifestation teaching, guides people to connect with their true authentic self in order to find inner peace and contentment amidst the chaos of modern life. Ancient Latin American wisdom and Eastern philosophies permeate Randall’s work while he employs a dry sense of humor and Zen-like deadpan in his writing. His unique style encourages readers to look inward in order to make decisions for themselves, rather than be swayed by the external material world. He strives to help people find joy in their own paths and embrace the miracle that is reality.